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  • Points 1
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These policies are guides to help you learn more about the university, your responsibilities, benefits, and privileges you enjoy, during your employment.
Not all of the details of every guideline could be included here. If you have a question which is not answered or explained, please discuss it with your supervisor.
St. Edward's reserves the right to change, correct, modify, or revoke any policies with appropriate notice. In all employment decisions, SEU reserves the right to take such action as it deems appropriate given the specific circumstances relating to those decisions.
This is to acknowledge that I am responsible for reviewing SEU Employee Policies and the Benefit Summary Plan Description located on the HR website @ By signing this Receipt of Notice Form, I agree to follow all SEU policies.
I understand that it is my responsibility to maintain an updated version of these policies. If I have questions concerning this information, I will bring it to the attention of my Supervisor, Department Head, or Human Resources.
These policies are in no way to be interpreted as a contract between the university and any of its employees.
This acknowledgement includes all policies with special emphasis on work place violence, zero tolerance of drugs and alcohol as well as safety policies.

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